With CME technique, more lymph nodes are harvested and better quality specimen is obtained.
This procedure is feasible in both open and minimal invasive surgery, however, technical difficulties should not be overlooked.
It is very important to learn correctly the anatomy and the embryology of right colon for successful resection.
A study from 2021 found that up to 40% of people who had a sleeve gastrectomy developed GERD after surgery.
Sleeve gastrectomies may affect GERD symptoms, as they can alter the angle of His.
Additionally, sleeve gastrectomies can increase pressure inside the stomach, which can disrupt LES function.
The forum focuses on debate on "GERD is unavoidable and unneglectable" or "Preventable and manageable" and Technique tips.
IntoCare Powered Stapling Platform with E-Stapling Technology, offers an ergonomic, intuitive and uniformed stapling system resulting in a reduced learning curve for surgeons and simplified ease of use, and boosts confidence in consistent anastomotic integrity for a safer surgery.